SECTION              1                                              APPLICATION TO HOST CHAMPIONSHIP


SECTION              2                                              APPROVED COUNTRIES / ASSOCIATIONS


SECTION              3                                              ORGANISING COMMITTEE


SECTION              4                                              PLANNING


SECTION              5                                              PERSONNEL


SECTION              6                                              ADMINISTRATION


SECTION              7                                              CEREMONIES AND FUNCTIONS


SECTION              8                                              TARGET SUPPLIES AND RELOADING


SECTION              9                                              TECHNICAL INFORMATION






APPENDIX A                                                       AGENDA - TECHNICAL MEETING


APPENDIX B                                                       RECORDS


APPENDIX C                                                       PARTICIPATION NUMBERS


APPENDIX D                                                       EQUIPMENT TESTING


APPENDIX E                                                        PRE_CHAMPIONSHIP INSPECTION LIST


APPENDIX  F                                                       CONTACT LIST


















WBC  29.10.2003 Prepared on

Microsoft Word XP Pro

(Please refer any changes, amendments, update or comments to

Graeme Smith, 52 Marlborough Crescent, Richmond, Nelson, NEW ZEALAND

Phone /Fax  Int64 3 5447138                  Email:









It shall be the mission of the

World Benchrest Shooting Federation

to assist the establishment of competitive

 Benchrest Target Shooting in all countries

and to assist member Associations facilitate the holding

 of Biennial World Championships.









The following objectives are the agreed direction and purpose of the World Benchrest Shooting Federation, and all events within their jurisdiction should follow the spirit of these objectives. It is expected that all competitors and officials will equally respect these objectives.


Objective 1:    Promote the sports shooting discipline of Benchrest on an International level


Objective 2:    Development of standardised rules so all countries can compete on an equal basis.


Objective 3:    To provide fellowship amongst the Benchrest shooting community for the benefit of all.


Objective 4:    To provide a forum for the exchange of thoughts and ideas on sports shooting accuracy related subjects at an international level.


Objective 5:    Establish a set of World Records that pertain to and only can be competed for at World Benchrest Shooting Championships and other events, sanctioned by the International Delegates Committee.

















Purpose of this Manual


This Manual should be read in conjunction with the World Benchrest Shooting Federation Rule Book. This Manual and the Rule Book has been developed and approved by the International Delegates to the World Championships in Benchrest Target Shooting to assist future administrators in the preparation for, and the conduct of, the World Benchrest Shooting Championships.

These is not seen as exhaustive documents, but rather as ones that can be developed, improved and expanded as the experience grows within the sport. Future administrators are encouraged to undertake regular reviews of the procedures to ensure they are current and relevant.


From the practical experience of those closely associated with the delivery of previous championships, it is fully appreciated that the depth of knowledge and the time commitment necessary to administer such an event is extensive. We urge that this not be underestimated, and it is firmly recommended that a core Organising Committee be established a minimum of two years ahead, with a chairperson experienced in the international scene.


The importance of the event to the competitors should also not be underestimated, and as such, we owe it to all participants to conduct the event in a manner consistent with their expectations. Attention is also drawn to the invaluable role of the many volunteers necessary to conduct these championships. It is vital their contribution not be forgotten. If we strive for a partnership between all participants, be they competitors, technical staff or range volunteers, we can conduct an event equal to any on the worldwide shooting scene.


Expansion of the number of countries competing at the World Championships is a priority. Every endeavour must be made to encourage the sport of shooting in our area of influence.



The Delegates Committee wishes to formally recognise the role played by the National Bench Rest Shooting Association (USA) in the steps taken to initially establish the International aspect of our sport, on whose Rules and By-laws we have used as the basis of our own Rules.  We also acknowledge those gfathersh of the Championship, namely Mr Walt Berger, Mr Herve du Plessis and Mr Skip Gordon. We are all indebted to your foresight in establishing our sport on the International scene.






Graeme J Smith

President - Delegates Committee 2003







Section 1      Application to Host World Benchrest Championship


1.1   Eligibility to Apply.

All member countries are eligible to apply to host the World Benchrest Championships.

1.2   Notification of Application.

Countries are to notify the Delegates Conference, at least four years ahead, of their intention to apply to conduct the championship.

1.3   Bidding Information.

Countries bidding for future World Championships are required to provide to member countries, preliminary detail of their bid, three months prior to the holding of the Delegates Conference. Failure to do so could result in such bids being unacceptable.

1.4       Allocation of World Championships

The Delegates Conference will allocate by ballot, the holding of the World Championships four years in advance.





































Section   2    Approved Countries / Organisations


The following organisations are recognised (as at 1.8.2003):

                        United States of America           National Benchrest Shooters Association

                        Australia                                   Sporting Shooters Association of Australia

                        New Zealand                            New Zealand Shooting Federation

                        France                                      Federation Francaise De Tir

                        Sweden                                                Swedish Benchrest Shooters Association

             Finland                                       Finnish Shooting Association -  Benchrest Shooting Section

                        Great Britain                             United Kingdom Benchrest Association

                        Austria                                     Osterreichischer Benchrest Schutzenverein

                        Italy                                          Associazione Italiana Bench Rest

                        Luxembourgh                            F.L.T.A.S.

                        Namibia                                    Windhoek Shooters Association

                        Germany                                   Deutscher Benchrest Verband e.V.

                        South Africa                             South African Benchrest Shooting Association

                        Spain                                        Federacion Espanola Tiro Olympico

                        Switzerland                               Schweizerischer Benchrest Verband

                        Canada                                     Ontario Rifle Shooters Association

                        Japan                                        Japan Benchrest Shooting Association

                        Iceland                                     Skotfelag Reykjavikur

                        Norway                                                Norwegian Benchrest Association

                        Russia                                      Russian Shooting Union

                        The Netherlands                        Dutch Bench Rest Shooting Organisation


































Section 3     Organising Committee


3.1                          Formation of Organising Committee.

The most critical issue to be faced by a host association is the formation of an Organising Committee that has the desire and knowledge to meet the objectives of conducting a championship that meets the expectations of the Delegates Committee and the competitors.

The appointment of a Chairperson and Management Team requires careful consideration.

3.2   Organisational Plan and Function Descriptions

It is for each country to design its own administrative structure. The following may be a helpful guide.

3.3   Organisation Plan.

WBSF Delegates Committee


Host Country / Association


Championship Director


                                Range                      Championship                        International                            Secretary                 Treasurer

                                Director                   Manager                                  Co-ordinator                                                                                          

3.4.   Terms of Reference.

Delegates Committee.  The Delegates Committee is the governing body and grants the rights to a national body to run the World Bench Rest Championships on its behalf.

Host Shooting Association.  The Host Association is granted the right to run the World Benchrest Shooting Championships on behalf of the Delegates Committee and is responsible to that countries national body for their effectiveness and success.

3.5   Championship Director.

Appointed by the Association to direct the running of the championships. The Director will chair the championship organising committee and has overall responsibility for the management of the championships including the approval of all expenditure.

3.6   Championship Manager.

The Championship Manager is responsible for the co-ordination and management of all activities required to run the championship other than the "on range" activities.

These responsibilities include:



     Medals and Trophies.

     Import / Export of firearms.


     Opening / Closing Ceremonies and other official meetings.

     Award Ceremonies.

     Coordination and arrangements for media and publicity.

     Set up of administrative facilities.

     Set up of results service.

     Coordination of all official guests.




3.7   Championship Secretary.

The Championship Secretary is responsible for all internal communications relating to the championships, and for arranging and documenting organising committee meetings.

These responsibilities include:

     Sending invitations to all member countries, in accordance with the agreed time - line

     Keeping all participating Countries/Associations informed of progress and status of championship preparations.

     Receiving and responding to queries from associations and countries.

     Receiving and managing the entries according to time – line.

     Coordinating with the Championship Manager on accommodation bookings.

     Airport Reception Co-ordination.

    Ensure that all queries and requests for assistance from team management are received, handled or referred.

     Ensure that there is a process in place to receive all payments for accommodation, supplies and souvenirs.        

     Maintain accounting records, balance and account for all monies received    and paid.

     Receive, record, collate and publish all results and verify medal winners.

     Prepare and distribute team and competitive packs.

     Manage team and competitor registrations and receive registration fees.

3.8   Range Director.

The Range Director is responsible for all "on range" matters relating to the conduct of events for their discipline. These responsibilities include:

     Ensure range availability and necessary developments are completed.

     Arranging and scheduling the staff for the events.

     Developing budget for operations and managing costs to these budgets.

     Gaining approval from the organising committee, through the Championship Manager, for any work or expenditure which may require Host Association or championship funds.

     Ensuring that all facilities are up to international standards.

     Ensuring that all equipment is operational and support is in place, in case of difficulties during events.

     Ordering of all targets and supplies for the championship.

     Provision of toilet facilities for men and women.

     Provision of target security/delivery to the scoring office for marking and recording.

     Ensuring that access to the facilities is maintained as required.

     Ensuring security of the facilities.

     Ensuring provision of suitable security for firearms and equipment.


3.9   International Co-ordinator

                   The International Co-ordinator, in conjunction with the Championship Secretary, is responsible for all gexternalh communications, ensuring all invited associations are fully briefed on the championship. The Time-Line should be consulted to ensure timely distribution of information.








Section 4     Planning.

The following time line has been established to enable the Delegates Committee to monitor that preparations for the championship are on schedule. Applicants are required to conform to this schedule.

4.1   Four Years Pre - Competition.

Allocation of country and venue.

4.2   Three years Pre - Competition.

Formal confirmation sent to the member countries.

·        of events to be conducted.

·        approximate dates of championship.

4.3   Two years Pre - Competition.

Submit to the Delegates Committee at the preceding World Championships:

     Draft programme and dates of competition.

     Estimated entry fees.

     Accommodation arrangements.

·        Final detail of competition technical information.

·        other information of interest.

4.4   Twelve Months Pre - Competition.

Send invitation to member countries for preliminary entries.

4.5   Nine Months Pre - Competition.

Member countries to advise preliminary entries by numbers including additional Team or Individual entry if required to maximum of 12.

                   Member countries to advise preliminary accommodation and transport requirements.

Host association to confirm acceptance of entry levels proposed by countries.

                   Host Association to confirm accommodation / transport options.

4.5   Six Months Pre - Competition.

Closing date for preliminary entries by number of competitors and teams by member countries.

Countries to confirm accommodation / transport requirements.

4.6   Three Months Pre - Competition.

Closing date of final entry of competitors by name and team allocation.

Receive final accommodation requirements and full entry fees which are non refundable. The host country may consider a partial refund (50%) should exceptional circumstance exist. (The Delegates Committee considers such circumstances to be competitor illness supported by medical certification, competitor death or family circumstances making participation impossible. In the event of dispute, the matter will be considered and decision provided by the Delegates Committee.)

In such circumstances a replacement competitor may be entered at no penalty.

4.7   Late Payment of entry fees:

Countries not submitting entry fees before the deadline, will not receive automatic entry to the championship, but will only be considered should sufficient space be available after all fully paid countries are accommodated.

4.8     Two Days Prior.

                         Practise Day

Technical Meeting.

4.9   One Day Prior.

Official Practice Day.





Section  5     Personnel


5.1   Volunteers.

The championship will not operate without the input a number of volunteers.

Therefore a particular effort should be made to ensure that their services are recognised in a proper manner.

Such acknowledgment will be limited by budgetary constraints, but history shows this does not need to be extensive. It is important an effort is made however. It is suggested that a "Certificate of Participation" be produced for voluntary staff.

In addition it may be possible to provide a commemorative badge and should same be available, a championship T shirt or cap.

Many of the volunteers have special skills that are vital to the sport and their continued support must be maintained.

5.2   Disabled Access.

Consideration needs be given on all sites to ensure the obligations for disabled access are met.

5.3   Volunteer Refreshments.

It is important that adequate advise is provided to all volunteers as to the level and location of refreshments that will be provided to them. It is required that, as a minimum, tea and coffee are provided for in the budget.

If lunches are not provided to the volunteers, then an ordering system must be arranged, particularly for those who are in areas such as Target Control. The workload often requires long hours of attendance and their needs must be addressed.

5.4   Personal Identification

A system of personal identification should be provided for all those involved in the championship. Each group of participants i.e. competitors, organising committee, technical official, range volunteers should be colour coded to enable appropriate identification and access where necessary. The system does not need to be elaborate or expensive. Coloured card, appropriately named and identified, heat sealed and able to be pinned to clothing is all that is necessary.

5.5   Staff Identification

It is necessary to establish a method of operational staff identification to ensure clear definition of role and reduce confusion.

General range volunteers - recommended a distinctive Cap be provided.

Range Officers - A bright coloured jerkin or top be provided.

















Section 6   Administration


6.1   Administration Office.

There will be a need to establish a centralised administration office.


This area will be the overall operations centre. Inquires from team management, in particular from guests, will be heavy until, such time as they become accustomed to the way our championship is conducted.

6.2   Official Programme.

A programme of events including names of competitors together with any relevant administrative information should be supplied to all competitors, team, technical officials and volunteers as necessary.

6.3   Accommodation.

It is recommended that accommodation options are provided to countries in briefing information provided to the Delegates Committee. Medium priced Hotel/Motel type accommodation of a reasonable standard is all that is required for most competitors and officials.

Final information should be provided to participant countries when preliminary entries are sought 9 months pre-competition, together with details of when and to whom payment is required and the methods of payment that is acceptable.

6.4   Publicity.

Every endeavour should be made to achieve maximum exposure for our sport in the media. The early appointment of a media liaison person should be arranged as a specialist position, preferably a person with knowledge and skill in this area.

Television may need as much as 12 months notice if they are to programme the event into their schedule.

6.5   Rest Area Cover

Should adequate permanent facilities not be available, consideration needs to be given to the availability of covered areas for rest during wait times for competition.

6.6   Water / Refreshments.

The provision of adequate facilities to enable competitors to secure refreshments is required. The consumption of water is usually at high levels and chilled or bottled water should be available. The provision of complimentary tea and coffee is recommended.

6.7   Range Parking.

An evaluation needs to be undertaken at all sites as to the availability of adequate parking, bearing in mind that most competitors will be travelling in hire - vans. The requirement could be extensive at some venues.

Special thought needs to be given to the volunteers, in particular those who are not young in years but are giving long hours to assist the championship.

Their needs may override that of the competitors.

6.8    Range Emergency Access.

                   Particular attention is needed to access / egress for emergency purposes.

6.9   Range Directions / Signage.

                   Though should be given to appropriate roadside signage to direct traffic and                                    develop further interest in the championship. Care needs to be taken not to                                 exceed local authority by-laws.








6.10    Communications.

The availability of adequate communication systems must be considered. The range should be equipped with at least one telephone.           (Cellular phones are acceptable if there is no alternative).

6.11     Flags and Flag Poles.

To ensure the championship assumes an international flavour, it is important to ensure participant country flags are flown at the venue used in the championship. The number of flag poles need to be considered with one per country preferred.

6.12    Gunsmith Services.

Although not necessary to have a gunsmith on site, arrangements should be made to have local expertise on call, or access to suitable facilities.

This information should be advised in the competitor packs.

6.13     Transport.

Availability of charter buses, hire vans, cars etc should be negotiated with a local company at an early date and preliminary requirements sought from member and guest associations. Hotels providing accommodation may be prepared to provide a courtesy service, or provide discounted travel.

6.14     Drivers.

It should not be assumed that overseas guests can drive their own vehicles. They may not have suitable drivers and in addition may have little local language.

6.15    Interpreters.

An interpretation service may be necessary. Approaches to local language students could be a most welcome opportunity to exchange skills.

6.16   Competitor Packs.

Competitor packs are a useful method of delivering a variety of event and tourist material, together with any sponsor products etc. It is further suggested that full details of any marketed products and prices are provided within the packs to ensure everyone is fully aware of availability and where they can be obtained. Such packs should be supplied to all competitors, team and technical officials as they register on arrival.

6.17    Range catering requirements

The availability of suitable food and refreshments at the range facilities needs careful study. Dependant on accommodation arrangements, it is likely that substantial supplies of lunches and other refreshments will be required.

6.18   Marketing Opportunities.

Considerable opportunities exist to market a variety of goods and apparel associated with the championship. Items such as sweatshirts, T shirts, badges etc are usually in demand from those participating. A limited supply of other souvenirs are equally marketable.

6.19    Trade Displays.

Consideration should be given to providing the opportunity for trade displays relevant to the sport, where possible promoting items that are developed, manufactured or unique to the sport of bench rest.

6.20    Currency Exchange.

Information should be provided in competitor packs, on currency exchange arrangements including local and convenient locations to undertake such transactions.

6.21     Medical Treatment

                   Medical assistance is not necessarily required on site, however detail of                               emergency services or doctors on duty should be widely available.






6.22    Insurance Implications

Tournament: Organising Committee need to consider the implications of Insurance claims for damage or negligence that may occur as part of the operation of the championship.

Personal: Teams visiting the championship should be advised of their obligations to ensure adequate personal travel insurance is obtained prior to departure from their home country.

6.23     Freight Reception

The appointment of an Individual or system is required, to ease the process of teams forward sending equipment to the championships.  Such arrangements need to be advised when preliminary entry information is sought from the member countries

6.24   Visa Requirements.

Full information needs to be supplied by the Organising Committee to member Countries/Associations as to the Visa requirements necessary for participants to enter the host country.

6.25    Import / Export Requirements.

With the changing scene on firearms, the movement of the necessary equipment for competition needs particular care and attention.

Little difficulty should be experienced however, providing early consultation with the appropriate authorities are undertake well in advance.

 It is recommended:

     Twelve months prior to competition, direct consultation is held with the local authorities to establish the precise requirements on the import, storage and export of firearms.

     Known requirements are to be advised to all countries at the time of seeking preliminary entries.  Prior to arrival in the country, participants should receive final information on the procedures to be followed on arrival and departure.

This information should include:

·        Whether they will be welcomed at the airport.

·        Details of firearm clearance / permits and whether specific delivery and storage arrangements are required.

·        Transport arrangements.

     Establishment of a centralised storage facility should be included in the plan of arrangements, if required, under local firearm legislation.

The following services should be considered if local regulations require the Organising Committee to secure firearms for the Championship period.

     Reception at airport, assistance with licensing details and transport of firearms to secure facility.

     Management and secure of the facility for the full period of the championship.

     Disbursement of the firearms at the end of competition needs planning as many flights out of the host country could leave early. The additional time requirements to clear the firearms with the authorities prior to departure may require special attention.

SPECIAL NOTE: Participant Federations equally should not ignore the changing scene in their home country regarding the export and re-import of firearms and equipment.







SECTION 7        Ceremonies and Functions


  7.1   Medal Ceremonies.

It is for the organising committee to arrange the style and venue for medal ceremonies to suit their own occasion. This would normally be held as part of an overall closing / social function.

7.2   Opening Ceremony.

An opening ceremony is an excellent opportunity to promote the sport in front of invited guests, and equally sets the stage for competition. It is suggested that early consideration be given to a list of guest speakers who are important to the sport. Politicians, City Officials etc. often need to be booked several months in advance.

                   It is normal practise, that such an event would be staged on the opening morning                 of the competition however alternative options could be explored. The style and                 content of the ceremony is at the discretion of the host association.

7.3   Closing Ceremony.

The style and format of a closing ceremony / function should also be considered.

It is generally recognised that a semi-formal function should be arranged.

It is recommended that during this function, the teams from each country should be presented to the function as an acknowledgment of their participation.

7.4     Other Functions

Any additional functions are at the discretion of the Organising Committee.

7.5       Meetings

                   Meetings are required as follows:

Technical Meeting: This to be held at the range, if a suitable venue is available, at least 24 hours before the commencement of competition.

The purpose of the meeting is to ensure critical staff and Team Officials are briefed on final arrangements for the Championship, and to deal with any particular concerns.

       The following are required to attend:

       All Delegation Leaders and Interpreters as required.

                  All Technical Staff.

                   Other Team Officials/Coaches – optional.


       See Appendix A for Agenda.


       Note: This meeting is not designed for competitors.


       WBSF Delegates Conference:

This meeting is usually held about midway through the Championship. This should be planned at a venue away from the range at an easily accessible venue (Team Accommodation or similar)

       This should not be planned to commence before 7.30pm.












8.1   Target Supplies.

An early assessment and ordering of approved targets should be undertaken.

The approved targets for the Championship are the WBSF 100,200 and 300 yd/m Targets or local print to the same design and colour approved by the WBSF Delegates Committee. If purchasing targets from outside the country, shipping or more.

8.2   Local Target print.

If a local print of targets is to be used, a sample of five of each target size is to be used is to be submitted to the Federation Secretary for approval at least three months prior to the Championship.

8.3   Ammunition and Reloading Powder Sales.

The availability of primers and reloading powders types, including pricing, should be advised to countries as they seek entry. The carriage of powder and primers is illegal on airlines and therefore teams are reliant on the local supply.

Sufficient quantities must be available to satisfy all reasonable requests.




Section  9   Technical Information


9.1      Sample Bench Rotation information:


                                                                                Example - 25 Bench Range

9.1.a       Two bench rotation:

                                                Day One                Day Two                Day Three             Day Four              Day Five

Relay     W/up     1                              6                              11                            16                            21           

                One         13                            18                            23                            3                              8

                Two         1                              6                              11                            16                            21

                Three       13                            18                            23                            3                              8

                Four         1                              6                              11                            16                            21

                Five         13                            18                            23                            3                              8


9.1.b       Five Bench Rotation

                W/up       1                              6                              11                            16                            21

                One          1                              6                              11                            16                            21

                Two         6                              11                            16                            21                            1

                Three       11                            16                            21                            1                              6

                Four         16                            21                            1                              6                              11

                Five         21                            1                              6                              11                            16


















Appendix  A







                        Item 1              Welcome to delegates

                        Item 2              Introduction of senior operating personnel.

            Item 3               Introduction any new countries



                        Item 1              Advice on Operations Office and hours attended.

                        Item 2              Confirmation of official Information Board of Organising                                                                        Committee for posting of notices, results etc.

                        Item 3              Marketing souvenirs etc.

                        Item 4              Photographer arrangements.

                        Item 5              Opening and Closing Ceremonies

                        Item 6              Medal Ceremonies and Medal Distribution                               

                        Item 7              Official / informal functions,

                        Item 8              Practise arrangements and fees.



                        Item 1              Advise on Equipment Control arrangements and times.

                        Item 2              Confirmation of programme of events

                        Item 3              Confirmation on start times.

                        Item 4              Confirmation of bench allocation and rotation.

                        Item 5              Confirmation of target posting and result distribution.

                        Item 6              Confirmation of protest procedures and fees.

Item 7              Confirmation of Protest Committee                                                      

Item 8              Reminder – Crossfire Procedures                                                         

                        Item 9              Armoury arrangements and/or range security.

                        Item 10            Range parking.

                        Item 9              Other range information.









Append A Form 1












TEAMS TWO-GUN AGGREGATE                                                                                                                                                                                     MOA               MM         MoArc

USA 1                    ( F Boyer, D Powell, W Berger, T Boyer)                       1993       .3750                      10.42      .3581

USA 2                    ( L Bruno, R Hoehn, D Creach, T Boyer )                      1997       .3075                      8.54       .2936

USA2                     (M Rattigan, B White, S Otto, G Newick)                      1999       .2505                      6.96       .2392


INDIVIDUAL                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LIGHT CLASS                                                                                                                                                    Small Group 100 ydfs         S Withey                               AUS        1991       .098                        2.71    .093                                                                    G Turini                                ITA         1997       .065                        1.81        .062        Small Group 200 ydfs C Balagna                             FRA        1991       .247                        6.85        .235

                                                T Boyer                                 USA       2001       .214                        5.94        .204


    100 yard Aggregate        H Du Plessis                        FRA        1991       .2289                      6.36        .2186                                                          J-P Troin                          FRA        1995       .2082                      5.78        .1987

                                                                M Menke                               GER        1999       .1632                      4.53        .1557                                                                      B Atkinson                           AUS       2001       .1588                      4.41        .1516

200 yard Aggregate          R Serain                                FRA        1991       .2613                      7.26        .2496                                                              M Rattigan                   USA        1999       .2180                      6.06        .2083

Grand Aggregate              T Boyer                                 USA        1991       .2699                      7.50        .2578                                                              M Rattigan                   USA        1999       .2052                      5.70        .1959


HEAVY CLASS                                                                                                                                                  

Small Group 100 ydfs       C Pacheco                             FRA        1991       .093                        2.59        .089                                                        J Schafer                  GER        1999       .049                        1.35        .046

Small Group 200 ydfs       F Boyer                                  USA        1991       .180                        5.01        .172                                                        G Turini                    ITA         1999       .168                        4.66        .160       

100 yard Aggregate          J-P Troin                              FRA        1991       .2023                      5.62        .1932                                                      P Jung                                       FRA        1999       .1857                      5.16        .1773

                                                                D Loker                                 USA        2003       .1666                      4.63        .1591

200 yard Aggregate            F Boyer                                  USA        1991       .2512                      6.98        .2399                                                                      E Arenzi                                ITA         1999       .2123                      5.90        .2028

Grand Aggregate                J-P Troin                             FRA        1991       .2285                      6.35        .2182                                                                      P Jung                                   FRA        1999       .2152                      5.98        .2055

TWO GUN AGGREGATE                                                                                                                                                                                                  T Boyer                                     USA        1991       .2624                      7.29        .2506                                                                      M Rattigan                            USA        1999       .2275                      6.32        .2172

HEAVY CLASS 300 YARDfS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Small Group 300 yards      B. Rosenthal                         USA        1991       .525                        14.58      .501                                                                        E Arenzi                                ITA         1997       .482                        13.39      .460       

300 Yard Aggregate           B Roseenthal                        USA        1991       .4053                      11.26      .3870

                                                                E Arenzi                                ITA         1997       .2767                      7.69       .2642



                HEAVY CLASS 200 YARDS X 10 SHOTS


Small Group 200 G Newick                              USA        1999       .376                        10.47      .3599

200 yard Aggregate            K Kochendorfer                   GER        2001       .2924                      8.12       .2792
















                                                            LC                               HC                              300m


WBC1  1991   France              72                                91                                84


WBC2  1993   Finland 97                                98                                99


WBC3 1995    Australia           61                                60                                60


WBC4  1997   USA                112                              115                              105


WBC5 1999    Italy                  120                              120                              119 (200 x 10)


WBC6             2001    New Zealand    78                                78                                70    (200 x 10 )


WBC7             2003   Sweden            93                                93                                92     (200 x 10)

















COMPETITOR NAME:                               COMPETITOR NUMBER:







Action:                                                                         Serial Number:



Barrel Maker:                                                               Gunsmith:



Trigger Maker:




Make:                                                                                      Power:


EXAMINATION.                  LIGHT  /  HEAVY  (circle )


            Stock Profile:                            YES / NO                                                                                            Fore-end Width               YES / NO

            Barrel Profile:                            YES / NO

            Barrel Length                            YES / NO                                                                    Overall weight:              YES / NO



Load Information:



PowderType:                                                    Weight:


Projectile Maker:                                              Weight:


Primer Type:



Certification Sticker Number





Examiner:................................ Date:............................

Append D Form 4







Progress 1

Progress 2


Program of events





Alternative event

200 or 300




Technical Meeting

Time and date/ Venue




WBSF Meeting

Time and Date/Venue









Competitor Numbers





Competitor IDfs





Opening Ceremony

Time and place




Closing Ceremony

Time and Place




Entry Fees

Agreed and advised




Country Information

Developed and sent




Time Line

Being followed








Range Facilities

Range Measurement

Confirm distances




Firing Line Position

Confirm placement




Range obstructions

Range clear of objects




Bench heights

Approx 32 inches




Bench spacing

Confirm adequate




Multiple use

L and R




Covered  Station

Protection adequate




Target Frames

Adequate numbers




Moving Backers

Secure system




Backer driving system

Able to handle all targets




Stationery Backers

Distance requirements









Range Staffing

Range Officer





Assistant Range Staff





Target Crew




Range Commands

CD, Tape or? Test timing




Range Sound System

System Test




Target Measurer

Who – experience adequate




Check Scorer

Who – experience adequate




Measuring Equipment

Type - approve




Score recording

Computer Program




Score Recording

Meets Min of Arc requirement




Technical Committee

Champ Director










Sample print - approved





Numbering system





Everyman arrangements




Scoring facilities





Protest Committee

Officials or Competitors?








Technical detail


Detail of when




Bench Rotation

System to be used




Order of competition

System to be used








Equipment Inspection

Weighing Equip

Scales Tested




Stock Measuring

Satisfactory Equip




Certification Stickers

Arrangements - secure








Competitor Facilities

Wailing Wall

Where established




Wailing Wall

Adequate storage




Wailing Wall

Access and secure









Reloading Facilities

Adequate arrangements




Toilet Facilities





Disabled access

Range and facilities




Official Notice Board





Rifle Storage

Security arrangements




Equipment Reception









Competitor Requirements

Powder Supplies

Types, available on site



Primer Supplies

Type – on site




Sand Supplies

Available – on site




Water Supplies










Emergency Access






What available




Flags and Flag Poles










Hire Vehicles



















































Australia                                Stuart Elliott, 108 Ashkanasy Cres, Evatt  2617, Canberra ,A.C.T   AUSTRALIA

                                                                Email:   +61-2-62587374   Fax:  +61-2-62592233


Austria                                  Alfred Throner, A. Stiftergasse 7, A-2700  Wiener Neustadt, Austria.

                                                      Phone/Fax  +43 262220171


                                                                Rudolf Patek         Brauhausstr. 35 2320 SCHWECHAT   AUSTRIA



Canada                                                   Bill Gammon, 387 Speight Blvd, Ontario, CANADA.

                                                                +1 519 453 6734     Fax +1 519 453 9921



Finland                                                   Juha Soderholm, Taaplaajankatu 10, 48900    Sunila, Finland

                                                                +358 440 793 046  Email:

                                                                President: Jari Ollila, Aholantie 695, 85820, Oksava, Finland

                                                                +358 440 242 430    Email:


France                                                    Herve du Plessis, 31, Boulevard du Roi, 78000 VERSAILLES. FRANCE

                                                                Int33 1 3021 8181  Fax 1 3021 0337



Germany                                Martin Menke

                                                                Soelling 1, 46359 Heiden, Germany

                                                                Phone/Fax +49 2867 1381



Iceland                                                   Bergur Arthursson              Randalaek 26, 105 REYKJAVIK, ICELAND



Italy                                                        Mario Bencini, via Nicolodi, 14,  38100. Trento,  ITALY`



Japan                                                      Megumi Tsukiji    Far East Gun Sales Co Ltd

                                                                Oyamadai, 1-2-3 Setagaya-Ku  158  TOKYO  JAPAN

                                                                Int81 3 3702-6004  Fax 3-3704-9760



Luxembourgh                        Serge Hoss, 27, rue de la Foret, L-3836, Schifflange, LUXEMBOURGH



Namibia                                                  Sharon Jansen

                                                                Alexander Forbes Group Namibia Pty ltd

                                                                PO Box 23229, Windhoek, Namibia

                                                                09264 61 270 4810       Fax 09264 270 4681



Netherlands                          Klaas van Gorp

                                                                Feldhausener Weg 14 ,   46446,  Emmerich,  Germany

                                                                Phone/Fax +49 2828 902786     Mobile  +491743218545



New Zealand                         Graeme Smith        52 Marlborough Crescent, Richmond, NELSON.

                                                                Phone / Fax  Int64 3 5447138              Email


Norway                                                  John Flatby  Odinvei  2-3300 Hokksund   NORWAY

                                                                Int47 32701120  Email






Russia                                                    Vladislav Lobaev

                                                                Izmaylovskoye shosse, 6-115, 105118,

                                                                Moscow, Russion Federation



South Africa                         Roland Thomsen, PO Box 6148, Flamwood, Klerksdorp 2572, South Africa



Spain                                                      Royal Spanish Shooting Federation 




Sweden                                                  Torsten Astrom    Adala 37,  905 94 UMEA  SWEDEN

                                                                Int46 90 660 80   Fax 46 90 661 56



Switzerland                            Rolf Probst   Jurastrasse 49, 3294 BUREN, SWITZERLAND

                                                                Int41 32 81 51 91   Fax41 32 24 59 32


United Kingdom                   Tom Morris, 17 Princess Street, Thurso,

                                                                Caithness  KW14 7BQ

                                                                Scotland                                +44 1847 893941        Email:

                                                                President - Ian Low

                                                                41 Oakengate Road, Telford, Shropshire TF2 7LR  United Kingdom



U.S.A.                                                    Donald Powell, 1391 Haney Road, Wheelerburg, Ohio, 45694, USA

                                                                +1 740 574 6073   Email:


Other contacts:


New Caledonia                                     Paul Nguyen



Belgium                                                                  Johan Teugels                      Email:


Spain ( Barcelona )                               Mr J M Mitjana


                                                                                Javier BESAS, Momosas, 33,  0875-Cervelos, Spain

                                                                                P/F +34 936 601 679

                                                                                Javier Tormero      c/- Paramys, 32,  E-43007  Tarragomd, SPAIN

                                                                                Tel: 34 977 207909     Fax  34 977 841480

                                                                                Feran Canovas    Email





Other Information:


Entry Fees                             $50.00USD per day of competition.


Membership Fee                  $50.00USD per 2 years.